Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fantastical Strawberry Milk and Sweet Pink Cows (...or just the milk)

Strawberry milk rocks.  I have always held this opinion, although I did seem to forget it for a while in the middle of my short life.  Having recently rediscovered the depth of my love of strawberry milk, I don’t understand how I ever forgot its absolutely fantastical deliciousness.  Now, I understand that the word “fantastical” is not just a cooler way to say “fantastic,” and that it in fact means more along the lines of “unreal” or “fanciful” than “great.”  And I still mean what I said.  Strawberry milk is fantastical.  It is unreal.  I still remember those days in kindergarten when I was allowed to buy a milk at snack time, and I was always super duper excited to grab that little pink milk carton out of the milk crate.  Granted, at that point in my life I also wanted to name my little sister Chrysanthemum, dressed myself in flowered t-shirts paired with flowered leggings, and still listened to Susie Burke and Wayne from Maine on cassette (look ‘em up, they’re both New England children’s singers I think), but still I think I was right on in terms of the milk thing.

I know chocolate milk is a more popular flavored milk than strawberry, but I encourage all ten of you reading this to give strawberry milk a chance.  You can try it no matter your diet/lifestyle.  You can get a powder-mix or syrup and add it to the milk of your choice, whether you go for milk from a cow or milk from an almond.  Some companies also make little juice boxes for milk, which are also awesome, though a bit more expensive.  In addition to the convenience of strawberry milk, it has a delightful flavor.  It evokes thoughts of summer, and happiness, and family barbeques.  How could you say no to a drink like that?

The only reason I can think of that someone wouldn’t try strawberry milk is because they don’t like happiness (or sweet things…but mostly happiness).  Let yourself live.  And give strawberry milk a try.

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