When you can’t figure out
why your friend won’t get back to you about meeting out for dinner, I mean, you
sent her a text about it at least 4 hours ago, right? Oh wait, that text is still sitting in your
outbox…it apparently never sent…whoops…
When you set your alarm for
7am in the morning- ‘cause you’ve got to get to that meeting before class
starts, but when 8:30 rolls around and you get out of bed, you realize you
totally missed your alarm, and your
meeting. And then you realize your alarm was set on silent…
When you pretend like you
heard what someone said, but you really didn’t at all, and then halfway through
the conversation you have to fess up. “Um, so sorry, but, uh, what exactly are
we talking about again?...”
When you’re with a group of
people and someone starts passing around a sign-up list for something you’re
not really interested in. And everyone else there is signing up. So you grab the pen and the paper and start
to maybe write your name and email address, but then just scribble it out and
awkwardly pass it along hoping that everyone is still paying attention to the
speaker addressing the group, and not your rejection of involvement in this
group activity…
When you’re supposed to be
meeting someone at a public place, like a café, and you get there about 5
minutes early. And then they get there
about 15 minutes late. Leaving you to
look like a Lonely McLoner for a good 20 minutes, looooong after your iced
coffee has been consumed…
When you’re eating out with
a friend and you both order the same thing.
They eat half of it…and you finish it…
When you can’t understand
someone speaking English with a strong accent, and you ask them to repeat
themselves at least 4 or 5 times, before you get so embarrassed that you forget
about trying to get the free muffin with your hot chocolate…
When you don’t know where
you are, or where you’re going, but don’t want to admit it and so head
aggressively in the wrong direction until your feet feel like potatoes and/or
your arms feel like noodles. And when
you finally ask someone it turns out you were just making a giant circle around
where you were trying to go…
When you forget your keys
and remember a second after the door closes behind you. Then you have to knock on the door
obnoxiously until your roommate wakes up and begrudgingly lets you in, hope that
someone will be home later when you get back, or, climb in a window…
When you’re in public with
your headphones in, rocking out to some of your favorite, slightly
embarrassing, guilty pleasure music…and then you realize everyone around you
can also hear your music. Hopefully they
understand that “Hakuna Matata” is a classic…
When someone friend-requests
you on some form of social networking site and you don’t respond for months,
and every time you run into them in public all you can think of is that you
won’t publicly claim them as your internet acquaintance, and you’ve even
accepted that random kid you always run into while grabbing coffee. But I mean, no big deal, they probably don’t
even remember they requested you…right?...
When there’s a long, frustrated,
line behind you as get up to the counter to order, so you forget that question
you were going to ask about the seasonal drink and just get your regular
instead. And then when you get your
change back you just toss it in your bag instead of trying to organize it and
risk the wrath of un-caffeinated people.
So you look like a fool and
sound like a maraca…
When a motivational
speaker/teacher/waiter asks the group a question, which you answer with great
enthusiasm…and alone. What? You really did want to see a dessert menu…
When you take out a pack of
gum to grab a piece and suddenly everyone asks if they can also indulge in your
precious gum. And then you lie straight
to their faces and say it was the last piece.
And then you sink down into your chair as your face turns the same color
as your definitely-not-last piece of cinnamon gum…
When you’re walking down the
street, feeling like you own the place, and then you trip over a brick. And do a quick check around to discover only
2 moms with strollers, 5 students, 3 couples, and 1 giant tour group saw you in
your moment of preteen klutziness. You try
and justify the trip internally as you blame it on the masonry: what idiot back
in 1706 thought that placing a brick like the sinking Titanic was conducive to
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still awkward years later... |
This is fantastic.