Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fictional Tweets

What some fictional characters might have said had they access to the great social network of twitter...

@kansasgurl; the road is yellow.  and that’s about as normal as it gets here… #newbfisscarecrow

@downtherabbithole: idk what that caterpillar was smoking, but there’s no way this is real life…

@cinders24-7: has anyone found a slipper?  glass?  size 7 ½? #shouldhavewornflats

@brains&beauty: apparently instead of books or heat, castles just have dancing dinnerware… #whoknew

@blondieintwr: need rope or ladder.  bad headache.

@luvlostboyz: listen @foreveryoung, everyone has to grow up sometime #getoverit

@daddyslilprincess: yummy royal feast with @beckster - who says it’s just an attic?

@callmescout: i knew nothing good would come from dressing up like a ham… #longnight

@matilda: i can officially move things with my eyes. #testme #dareyou #waittilyouseemyprincipal

@redhoodie: met a wolf transvestite today…yep, it was as weird as it sounds #truestory #dressedlikegranny

@halfpint: i feel like moving from a house made of trees to a house made of dirt is a bit of a downgrade… #reallyparents? #sodhouses #prairiessuck

@lilmissmarch: sorry @laurie…I just don’t feel the same way… #awkward #bffproposals #sorryboutit

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