Friday, April 29, 2011

Greetings to the 24th Century

Blogs are kinda like really long twitter posts. You say something you think would interest other people and make them laugh, or you tell them about the delicious (and diet friendly!) new vegan burritos you tried yesterday. Either way you share some of your life with the people who follow you (“followers” btw, is just a nicer way to say “web stalkers”). If you are like me, however, a blog might be more akin to a private journal; you write down your thoughts and hope that one day someone snooping around looking to borrow your blue sweatshirt from your room might uncover the journal and reveal the secrets previously known only to you. So in case you’re part of a technology recovery team from the year 2370 when the earth is covered in rubble, congrats on being the first one to discover this valuable insight into life in the early 21st century. ‘Cause chances are, no one else has ever read this.

Still reading? Wow, I’m impressed. You 24th century people clearly have a longer attention span than 21st century folk…I’m glad the human race has made a turnaround. Now, in case this seems a little harsh, I apologize. I have what I like to call “acerbic wit.” Ok…well, maybe I wish I had acerbic wit, but right now I’m what my sister calls “sharp and sarcastic.” Guess that’s good enough for now. Anyway, none of this is meant to make fun of people…ha, no it totally is. I mean really, who cares what you ate for lunch yesterday, even if that yogurt really does help you poop.